Jul 27, 2008

Do you every worry so much about your babies?

My sweet J is growing up so quickly, well both my girls are. But today is the first time that my J will spend the night with a friend. I know she will be totally safe and having a blast, but I worry. When my girls are not with me I worry. My girls have never spent the night with anyone other than my mother and that has only been about 4 times. J will be 9 in August and she has only been away from me for the night a total of 4 maybe 5 times. K maybe 2 times. I enjoy my kids and enjoy being with them. Now we do get a sitter and go out to dinner and a movie without the girls. But I am not one to go away without my girls. 

Today we packed J an overnight bag and got her ready to go to her first sleep over with a family we know. She will have a wonderful time. But on our way to their house she asked me if I would come to get her if she wanted to come home. I told her I would come and get her anytime she needs me to. When we got there she was off and playing. I stayed a while and chatted with my friend and let her know J was a little worried herself. I told her to call me if she wanted to come home. She said no problem. When I finally left J was running around with her friend and had no worries about me leaving. K was upset that she could not sleep over also. 

I guess its the mom in me that worries about my girls when they are not with me. So tell me am I the only one that worries so much?

Update: My very good friend Lauri at Trials of the Baas Family reminded me that J stayed with her when we had K. I told her I had no worries with my J being with her. Oops brain laps.



Yes, I do worry. Even when the older ones go somewhere. Bob now drives to the Virginia/NC area to visit his fiancee' and I try to forget he is driving for so long. Also, when the oldest went overseas for almost 4 months we didn't really talk to him and that was horrible! But, I know your dd will be fine..try to keep busy. :)


About your question on my blog. They were just horse rides at a fair. And the animals were the petting zoo. They loved it! Also, back to your post about kids going over night etc.. I just dropped my older dd off at a friends house to swim and as I was leaving the little voice started, "is she going to be ok?" Oh well, I guess it will go on as long as we are moms (forever). :)

Bootcamp Burners said...

I know! I worry about my girls all the time. Even if they are just outside playing.

Melanie said...

I have to give my children to the Lord all the time. :) You are a good mom!

Lauri said...

Of course we worry as mom's but I do have to say, J has spent the night at my house before! When K was born! It's OK to loosen the strings a little sometimes ;-) JK you do what you need to....