Jul 15, 2008

Growing up and changing!

Our oldest daughter told me that she was growing up and wanted a big girl room and a new hair cut. So we went and got a hair cut and changed her room into a big girl room. Check it out!

I can't believe she is getting ready to turn 9 in about a month!

She is growing up fast! Here are our sweet girls.

Here is the new big girl room. We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got a duvet cover and all the accessories. She used to have a cover with little pink flowers and pink and white curtains. Then she started liking surfer girl things, so we started buying little surfer girl stuff and have finally found a duvet cover and bedding that she likes.

Here is a before picture of the bed.

This is as good as I can do for a full view of the room.

This is the bed with some of her surfer stuff on the wall.

View of just the bed.

She is so happy with her room and her new look. I am loving that she is turning into such a wonderful young lady! She is a pleasure. I am so lucky to be the mother of these two wonderful girls.


Brenda said...

We almost went the surfer girl route in my daughter's room too! My girls are also 8 and 4, with my older one turning 9 in August! It's nice to meet you!

Bootcamp Burners said...

Our girls are the same age! J is 8, will be 9 in August and K is 4, (just turned 4 in May).