Aug 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!


Melanie said...

I am impressed! Great job! She must LOVE watching the gymnastics during the Olympics!

Lindsey said...

What a great job! My daughters were looking on as I viewed the pictures and they were amazed. They think she is very pretty and strong. Happy WW!

Rhonda said...

How neat! She looks like a very good gymnast. I think gymnastics must be so good for building strength and flexibility.
I like your post below about the Chore Charts with the pegs. How great that your husband could make those for you at a fraction of the cost! They look really nice.
Thanks for stopping by my blog for WW!
~Have a blessed day.
~Another Rhonda :)


Excellent! You never know, we might see her in the Olympics some day.

A family of boys said...

Wow! That takes some strength...I'm always amazed at the the balance and coordination that gymnasts posess.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish I could do that! LOL
Future Olympic Gold there. :)