Aug 27, 2008

14th Wedding Anniversary

Today is my 14Th wedding anniversary. I have known my husband since I was 15. We met at a skating rink where he was the DJ. I shyly went over to him and asked if he could skate with people. The rest is history. We dated on and off while in high school and married our sophomore year in college. 

At 5:30 this morning D woke me up and told me happy anniversary. He loved me and would do it all over again. What a wonderful husband I have. We have a beautiful marriage. 

I love you D!


Melanie said...

I remember D! Happy Anniversary to you both!!! Yay! Hope you have special things planned for today!


I know I'm a little late but "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" !!!

Lisa said...

Happy Anniversary!!! by the way, I had to tell you, I met my dh when I was 16 yrs old, we also married at 22 and we just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary this year! I have 2 girls too! one just turned 12 and the youngest will be 8 in December!you and I have quite a bit in common! see ya on the WTM boards!
your blog is GREAT!

Lisa said...

Thanks for adding me as a blogging friend, I added you too!


How are you doing?