Aug 14, 2008


My dear friend Melanie at Monday through Sunday was kind enough to send this award to me. Well and others but I would like to think all me. Hehe-just joking! Now let me give you some history about Melanie and I. We met when I was 15. Both our dads were in the army. My family had moved to Washington state right before my sophomore year in school. Her family lived across the street. We met and were fast friends in school. Well we both went our separate ways from there and lost contact with each other. Through the wonder of the internet she found me. So as you can see the internet does bring people together. I am so glad she found me. Thanks Melanie. 

Ok on to the award. I am so glad to get it and I just wanted to pass it on to my new found blog friends. Margarete at True Blessings Homeschool and Lauri at Trials of the Baas Family. Well Lauri and I have been friends for a long while. She was with us when K was born and kept J busy for a while. So ladies heres to all of you! I am proud to call you all my friends.


Melanie said...

very sweet..thanks! :) Good to have you back in my life!


Hey, Am I supposed to put the "award" on my blog? Never had that given to me before. Thanks so much!!!

Bootcamp Burners said...

Hi Margarete,
You sure are! I love your blog and wanted to pass this along to you.