Sep 18, 2008

I think Fall is coming

Well it is very cool here today and will be for the next week. I don't think it will be over 65 at all this next week. Today high was only 60 degrees. So yes fall is around the corner. 

So here is my list of how I know fall is here

  1. Pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. Yummy!
  2. I had to wear pants today
  3. The girls sat on the couch with blankets on them
  4. The trees are turning colors and leaves are already falling off
  5. My garden is looking sad and things are not growing good anymore
  6. But my pumpkins are looking great!


Armbruster's said...

Fall is my favorite time of year. Here tho it tricked us! It reached 90 for 2 days! UGH. My mind & body was prepared to turn off the a/c & open all the windows. But it will soon be here. This is the time when I read a good book outside in my "room" and enjoy the sounds & smells and the cool breeze. It doesn't get any better for me than fall.

Carrie Thompson said...

thanks for checking on us down here in south Texas! hey on the favorite thing list, I think I would like to skip fall at Starbucks and go straight for winter! Gingerbread Latte! I go bonkers for those! They are so good!

Bootcamp Burners said...

Carrie I am with you there! That sounds great also.

Brandi I like a good book on the couch also.

Melanie said...

Fall is my favorite of all seasons! I miss it terribly! It is still 90 degrees here with matched humidity! :) I have indulged in a Pumpkin Spice fav! My sis works at Starbucks and was good to give me the date when this wonderful drink came back!! :) I don't indulge to often..but it sure is worth it!

Miranda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rhonda said...

Sorry about the deleted comment above-that was me,lol.
I didn't realize my daughter was signed in and I commented under her user profile. Oh, goodness.
Anyway, I enjoyed your post. I love fall so much I just wish it would last a little longer.
Have a great day.